2-27-2024 update: fixed image links and updated alt text! i dared not touch anything else for it is a precious relic.

"i am mediocre at game development. let's make a twine game in 3 hours!" - my youtube live stream description

"This is a story about a beekeeper, who must hug the middle of a desert with their sopping wet ex. However, the gay gecko (geckovanni) tries to tax them using SOUP, a BASEBALL BAT, and a GUN." - the monstrosity we made during the livestream

It's short, it's silly, and it's full of mistakes. I hope you have fun!

Watch the livestream here:

Thanks to https://a-queer-kitkat.tumblr.com/ and https://apple8ees.tumblr.com/ for letting me use their art, as well as to everyone else who appeared on stream or in the live chat!

Everything in this file is exactly how it was at the end of the stream.

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